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  • 20da85 derp

    just wondering if anyone knows a problem where you have your controller unplugged while loading then when you plug it back in it does not work in the game, i tried having it plugged in up to the point where you can choose to go into settings,story mode, online etc and then the controller works when i load up the game but i have found now no matter what i do when you press rb and y in any way or form it will not load the trainer without pressing f4 would be great if someone could give me some suggestions as it means i can play on my controller without having to go back and press my keyboard. thank you in advance

    April 28, 2017
  • 20da85 derp

    thank you @Slash_Alex.it's now working :D

    April 27, 2017
  • 20da85 derp

    my game is having an issue with this mod i have not followed for a while. i have the up to date scripthook and i have the other one dinput8 and when i load up naitive trainer it wont let me load it up like the game gets just before it boots then says it crashes. i have had this setup before and had no issues i have mpspecial races so i can get dlc stuff and the normal trainer and my game works just fine but when i add the enhanced one it wont let me fully boot even when i remove all mods except script hook and dinput8 any suggestions would be very much appreciated as i do love this mod mixed with the dlc's thank you in advance.

    April 26, 2017
  • 20da85 derp

    on the other hand i was thinking this just yesterday like....would it not be really bad if they did an update the day after then i go on my game now and im just like.....REALLY

    June 10, 2016
  • 20da85 derp

    hopefully it won't take him too long, it's only a small patch so hopefully won't take long unless he has to do the whole thing again.

    June 10, 2016
  • 20da85 derp

    how can you be so sure?

    June 08, 2016
  • 20da85 derp

    how long does an update normally take to come out??

    June 08, 2016