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    @VoxR4710 Got it Thanks.
    In my opinion, since you play in first person, the only 2 things you could benefit from is to get rid of the speed zoom and altitude zoom.
    The 120 is for your eyes, it is a little different when translated to a monitor (21" up to 60" wide), and even most vr headset are limited 90 degree maybe more....
    One of the ways to judge proper adjustment is when you are playing in first person and you look down at your feet,,, are they naturally at 5 to 6 feet away or are they unrealistically 3 feet away or 12 feet away ?

    November 02, 2023
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    Oh I think you have to record in third person view if you want to play with the zoom in the Rockstar editor.

    October 31, 2023
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    And again to be clear, what I'm talking about is that Rockstar did not make the camera the same for all situations and I want to fix that.
    So using the mod I make it so that the camera settings stay the same (stay good) either you are in first person or third person the view or visuals are the same, You can test that with how you play right now;
    When in first person fix you eyes on a sky scrapper in the distance, and switch to third person, you will notice the building got larger !
    That's 12% larger, everything got distorted and compressed toward the character.
    Enabling and changing the camera settings of the third person view by +one click fixes that !

    October 31, 2023
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    @VoxR4710 Hey Vox thanks for the reply, and indeed if you stay in first person full FOV your good to go !
    But can you elaborate on what you did here;
    "Removed all camera effects from first person view"

    And secondly is the mod; (extended camera settings) compatible with your mod ?

    I guess I was just being laze and hoping having everything in one mod ready to go would be nice, not having to constantly activate the settings and or update when it stops working ect..

    If you want to understand what I mean more, just make a small recording (F1) and go edit the video in the Rockstar editor, choose the free camera and play with the zoom.

    October 31, 2023
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    About the "keeping track of cars" you will notice it much more if you do it yourself in game.
    It is so much more easier to keep the mouse on the cars going by when you are set at 0.79X.

    October 27, 2023
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    Opps, I should of said; "+one clic" and not ; "one clic down" in the extended camera settings.

    October 27, 2023
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    If I may ask ?
    Since this is a realism mod, could you include (test for yourself first) a specific fixed camera zoom setting for third person view of: 0.79X + eliminate the speed zoom and altitude zoom so it stay's at 0.79X all the time ?

    Let me explain;
    I've been playing PC games since forever and a lot of them in stereo vision 3D, and of course most the GTA's also in 3D vision, but I was disappointed in GTA V visuals regarding the 3D and the distance render and I did not understand what was going on or why it was weird...
    Finally several months ago after years of head scratching I finally understood what was happening.
    To make a long story short..
    The vanilla settings for the third person view is +12% off of what it should be !
    That is it is +12% zoomed in !
    Meaning the baseline for normal realist vision(realism) is not respected !
    You know like a lot of shooter gamers will increase the FOV so they can see more of the surroundings and they don't care that it looks distorted, well if you don't want to do that and instead want natural vision than you eliminate the increased FOV and get back to normal...but..
    Rockstar made a mistake and went beyond normal and got past normal and zoomed in 12%, distorting the world in the opposite direction compressing everything towards the player.
    I have calculated this using the camera zoom in Rockstar editor (free camera).
    In the editor I measured the vanilla camera settings at 0.90X (third person) the correct normal setting for natural vision should be 0.79X.
    After I found this out I noticed that 0.79X is also the camera setting for "first" person view when the bar setting is set to full, this makes it the only time that the camera is OK when playing.
    Also I measured the speed zoom at 0.75X !
    So this means that when playing and driving you go from 0.90X to 0.75X and back to 0.90X when you brake !, the same goes for altitude zoom !
    This in percentages is +12% down to -5% back to +12% off of what should be a constant zero out (0.0X) or 0.79X.
    To correct this I have been using (extended camera setting) one clic down on the third person view gives 0.80X (close enough) and you can set the speed zoom to off but not the altitude zoom.
    This is an example of what it should look like;
    Pay attention to how naturally you can keep track of cars going by,(no distortions) VS when I set it back to vanilla and beyond vanilla.
    So basically what is 10 feet away is 10 feet away not 8, or what is one mile away looks one mile away not .8 miles away etc...

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    October 27, 2023
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    bump !

    October 24, 2023
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    Thank you very much CamxxCore you have allowed me to change the camera to my liking !!!

    There is only one thing missing.
    Just like the option you added to get rid of the zoom while in vehicles that a very much enjoy, you might not know but there is a zoom still that I would like to get rid of !
    The zoom activates while you are going up in altitude, it starts at around maybe 1000-1500feet and is in full force when you are on top of the maze bank building !
    If you can find a way to allow us to turn this of I would be very happy.
    Like it is now I can make the "fov" like I want but as soon as I go to high the game zooms out and I don't want this.

    Thanks again !

    P.S. your update worked for me.

    January 27, 2023