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  • Df14ee indian dude

    @csnnav i'll test out the first one since i don't think the vehicles will cause problem but if it doesn't ill see if the vanilla reworks mod esp if they use files from the same folder

    October 14, 2023
  • Df14ee indian dude

    @pheonix8905 The blood spilling effect uses less due to the fact that the spilling effect will use the blood pool textures for blood when it drops to the floor. problem is with using the regular blood pools is that it causes it to look jarring. the spilling effect is a neat effect if you are into that! it adds an rdr2 style blood loss effect to headshots, neck shots, thighs, and also shotgun blasts, however it can be buggy and pools from peds who die regularly (not activating blood spill effect) can have bright red blood pools. if you don't want it i'd recommend sticking with the base mod as the variety is better than having immersion breaking due to bugs from the spilling effect.

    October 14, 2023
  • Df14ee indian dude

    @NightWolfMVP yes i'm working on version 3.1, various blood splatter res (will have their own oiv installers) among other things (more gruesome wounds thanks to normal maps being added for this update) and better blood pools and fixing other bugs

    October 14, 2023
  • Df14ee indian dude

    @csnnav what are the first two mods full names? sometimes what happens to cause the square texture is that some mods will overwrite the decals.dat/bloodfx.dat files with their own mods (unless this mod was installed after those). it can affect the pools and how they react. see re-installing this mod over that fixes it; i tested the base version and so far it doesn't appear on my end, but i'll see if installing the mods you got causes that pooling issue.

    October 14, 2023
  • Df14ee indian dude

    @csnnav is it just this mod installed or do you have any other mods installed with this, if it's a clean install try uninstalling and reinstalling as sometimes the game will fudge up; i'll be taking a look at the mod though rn to see if the recent update broke the pools on the base version of the mod tho

    October 10, 2023
  • Df14ee indian dude

    @Chosen4630 If this is the beta feature part of the mod, try re-installing it; otherwise will have to check that since I know a recent update just came out that could've fucked it up.

    October 10, 2023
  • Df14ee indian dude

    @csnnav Hmm i haven't seen that before, did you install the Beta Feature (blood spilling) part or is it just the base mod? See if re-installing the mod fixes it, if it still persists then I'll take a look since it shouldn't be happening unless a new update fucked it up

    October 10, 2023
  • Df14ee indian dude

    @EnchancedCap Yes it should work with both as those are script mods and don't touch the same files as this mod

    October 10, 2023
  • Df14ee indian dude

    @MattyReady I'd say the latest is probably the goriest, though I remember 2.6 or 2.8 being pretty gory as well in terms of the blood splatters

    October 10, 2023
  • Df14ee indian dude

    @Snoopyyy i say this since i have no experience with fiveM lol

    September 17, 2023