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  • 268574 joker avatar 01

    @HKH191 Isn't there anyway you could fix the issue where one has to disable and re-enable MP maps every time we load into the game to get this mod to work properly? I really like the idea of your mods, but it's kind of becoming a running gag on how buggy they are, which is a shame.

    July 16, 2024
  • 268574 joker avatar 01

    @Gelse Same, using latest nightly build as my script mods don't work with latest GTA5 build and public release of SHVDN. This GTA5 build really screwed things up for script mods, kind of wish Rockstar would just stop updating the game at this point.

    July 16, 2024
  • 268574 joker avatar 01

    @Gelse @M8T I am also having this issue with now, started happening after the latest GTA5 update. A shame because I really enjoyed using this mod.

    July 15, 2024
  • 268574 joker avatar 01

    @rechkunov Not at all, it's all the other features (such as arcade, missions, extra ships, tankers, submarines, awacs etc) that takes up quite a bit of processing resources, if all one wants is a semi-functional aircraft carrier as is without everything else that goes along with this mod. Basically a super lite version of this mod where one can land and take-off (tail hook system and catapult) on the vanilla stationary aircraft carrier, without everything else. It's more of an immersion thing than anything else.

    July 15, 2024
  • 268574 joker avatar 01

    So with the latest version the aircraft taxis out of the hanger and parks up so you can board, which is nice, but then when I board the aircraft it tells me "your personal vehicle is in the way" when there isn't any vehicle near the plane. I tested arriving on foot, teleporting etc, and it still tells me the same thing. This results in the plane staying put, even after dismissing and calling in a new airplane, the same issue happens.

    Would be great if in a future update you automatically dismiss/removes one's personal vehicle after boarding, to be 100% sure that there is no vehicle getting in the way.

    July 04, 2024
  • 268574 joker avatar 01

    @kjb33 Nice to see the Falcon get an update, one of my favorite ships of all time. For the interior, if you raise the cockpit floor up some, it'll look proper, because as of right now it is way to sunk down. Otherwise good work!

    March 30, 2024
  • 268574 joker avatar 01

    Sure, ok, I go to the order jet blip, some times it will tell me to check back later, but when it does successfully tell me "jet is being prepared" the jet starts up in the big open hanger, with pilots and air hostess inside, but the jet doesn't move, the door remains shut and nothing else happens, no matter how long I wait.

    March 29, 2024
  • 268574 joker avatar 01

    @WTLS_81 The Jet never moves from inside the hanger, it just stays there, engines running, but door locked and shut.

    March 28, 2024
  • 268574 joker avatar 01

    @WTLS_81 Managed to get the jet to appear, but the door remain closed and I cannot enter, with the air hostess remaining seated inside.

    March 28, 2024
  • 268574 joker avatar 01

    I tried going to the VIP private jet service blip at the airport, and all I get is this message pop up "we are having some issues, check back later", and the message just stays on my screen indefinitely.

    March 26, 2024