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  • Lester

    Did you write the description with ChatGPT lol?

    8 days ago
  • Lester

    This mod works as it should, but there are definitely places I see for improvement. For example in the crate drop event, a ton of NPCs are just scattered in one place and often will instantly kill you which makes it not that interesting. Also events spawn at random parts of the map no matter where you are, and will always spawn after the same amount of time. There are smaller issues as well.

    10 days ago
  • Lester

    We got bad apple before GTA VI

    July 15, 2024
  • Lester

    For all of you who are experiencing game crashes upon clicking F4, I found the solution by switching to the Script Hook V Dot Net nightly version. You can install it from here https://github.com/scripthookvdotnet/scripthookvdotnet-nightly/releases and it should make the simple trainer and F4 console compatible with it again.

    July 04, 2024
  • Lester

    For all of you who are experiencing game crashes upon clicking F4, I found the solution by switching to the Script Hook V Dot Net nightly version. You can install it from here https://github.com/scripthookvdotnet/scripthookvdotnet-nightly/releases and it should make the simple trainer and F4 console compatible with it again.

    July 04, 2024
  • Lester

    I'm afraid this is the end with Mission Maker, it doesn't work anymore with the latest update... Armageddon Call DLC will likely not be released anymore. Sorry. This is horrible knowing how much progress I have made. You most likely will never get to see the remaster nor any other updates from this pack anymore, or from any other creators. It was nice knowing you guys...

    June 30, 2024
  • Lester

    The Download is currently disabled due to technical and development issues. Don't worry, I'm working on it...

    March 13, 2024
  • Lester

    Mods like this need to be more recognized more. 5 stars.

    October 09, 2023
  • Lester

    @Grayson1940 Thanks, glad to hear you liked it. I make the multiple start points by placing a random objective on the point where you want to add the function and then edit it in the Objectives.txt by copying the original Start Point and replacing the objective with it. Then you can edit it and choose any model you want the player to change, the weapons and the coordinates. The number that is seen at Objectives[] columns also has to align with the number of objectives around it, so if the second start point is placed after the 8th objective, the column has to be edited as Objective[9] instead of Objective[0]

    August 15, 2023
  • Lester

    @Kxk It does work but the doors don't unlock I think. You can get through them with the Go Through Doors function that simple trainer has, it teleports you a few meters forward to the direction your'e facing, and you can enter the interiors with that.

    August 11, 2023